There are more than 356,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests annually in the U.S. Between 60-80% of them die before reaching a hospital. CPR, especially if administered immediately after cardiac arrest, can double or triple a person’s chance of survival.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac arrest most often occurs in homes/residences (73.4%), followed by public settings (16.3%), and nursing homes (10.3%). Only about 40% of people who experience a cardiac arrest event outside the hospital get the help that they need before EMS professionals arrive. While CPR is essential to maintain blood flow through the body, an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is essential in those first few minutes to help restore a normal heart rhythm.
AED Donation Overview:
Located in Columbus, Ohio CPR Certs is a team of nurses, EMTs, and trainers that are American Red Cross and American Heart Association instructors. Our passion is training healthcare providers and the general public to respond to the emergencies that they may face. Learn more about Ohio CPR Certs
The Ohio CPR Certs Fund strives to place AED units in locations where the risk of cardiac arrest is high. Priority is given to non-profit organizations that serve adults, youth or athletes, as well as churches, scouting troops, social services groups, and other community focused organizations. Our donation area targets the geographic region of Central Ohio. Applicants must be based in the counties of Franklin, Delaware, Union, Madison, Pickaway, Fairfield, Licking and Knox. Unfortunately, we are unable to donate to organizations outside of those counties. This program is meant to target non-profits that usually do not have funding to purchase this lifesaving equipment but serve many people! Applicants must be a registered 501(c)3 organization to be eligible.
AED Grant Package:
The value of an AED Grant Package is approximately $2,000. Recipients will receive a free AED unit with carry case, indoor cabinet, responder kit, wall sign, and one year of the AED365 Inspection App. Your organization will be prepared to save a life!
If your organization already has an AED, but are in need of an another, we will work with you to obtain the same brand/model if your application is approved. After receiving a grant package, organizations will need to spend a few hundred dollars every 3-5 years to replace expired pads and batteries. Training your staff and volunteers on its use and regular inspections & maintenance are also important.
Grant Cycle:
The Ohio CPR Certs Fund will review requests quarterly: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 15. Organizations awarded an AED Grant Package will be notified at the end of a quarter. Applications not selected for a grant will be held over from quarter to quarter during the calendar year. On December 31 of each year, all pending applications will be discarded. If your organization is not awarded a grant during that calendar year, you will be contacted and encouraged to complete an application for the following year. We receive far more applications than current funding allows us to award.
Terms of the Grant:
Upon receiving the AED Grant Package, your organization agrees to the following, all of which Ohio CPR Certs will assist you with:
Register the AED unit with the manufacturer and your local EMS (if your local EMS has a registry)
Determine the proper mounting location for the AED at your facility
Assure that the AED will be accessible, properly stored and maintained according to manufacturer guidelines. Organizations will need to spend a few hundred dollars every 3-5 years to replace expired pads and batteries.
Assure that staff/volunteers will receive CPR/AED training, or already have certifications
Assure that your organization will develop an Emergency Action Plan (a one sheeter set of procedures) and post near the AED unit
Promote the AED donation through the organizations social media, email newsletter, press releases, etc.
Inform the Ohio CPR Certs Fund if the AED was used in an emergency.
This donation is only for the original organization requesting the AED. If your organization disbands, we request that you promptly return the AED unit to the Ohio CPR Certs Fund.