Ohio CPR Certs is a leading provider of AED units, maintenance & inspections, and accessory replacement. We help businesses, schools, churches, and sports leagues with all aspects of your AED program!
Non-profit, government, education and multi-unit purchase discounts available, so request a special quote today! Need invoice payments instead of online credit card? Request a special quote and we can set that up.
Not sure what model to buy? Check out this AED comparison chart!
Manage Your AEDs with AED365!
State and local laws as well as AED manufacturer requirements can make achieving compliance difficult to navigate. You do not need to be an AED expert to use AED365 to keep your units ready to save a life! AED365 is a smartphone app designed for your staff to scan the AED’s barcode, answer a handful of questions about your unit (like indicator light, expiration dates, damage, etc.) all while recording it into a log of your inspections. The app is great for one AED or for an entire fleet!