from $2,255.90

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Public access to automated external defibrillators (AEDs) helps ensure lifesaving technology is placed where it can do the most good. With a design influenced by user feedback, it’s no surprise the LIFEPAK CR2 is rated highest in overall user confidence by AED users. The LIFEPAK CR2 combines groundbreaking technology, ease of use, and simplistic design. The most technologically advanced AED on the market ideal for any rescuer.

Designed for User Confidence: Simple graphics, audible instructions and automated features help users remain focused during a sudden cardiac arrest emergency. Dual language capabilities and ClearVoice technology help users understand and hear voice prompts.

cprINSIGHT: Technology that analyzes patient's heart rhythm and sets pace while CPR is performed

LIfepak Tough: Featuring an IP55 rating against dust and water, the LIFEPAK CR2 works in challenging conditions.

Child Mode: Child mode button lowers energy levels appropriate for young children without having to change electrodes

Electrode pads and batteries have a 4 year life while in standby mode!

Check out the Lifepak CR2 product brochure for more information!

LIKEPAK CR2 - Replacement Battery
LIKEPAK CR2 - Replacement Pad Kit
Lifepak CR2 Carry Case